In memory of Gen. Soleimani : Iconic anti-terrorism commander🌹
Assassinated: January 3, 2020
Gen. Soleimani turned Resistance into influential movement
TEHRAN, Dec. 29 (MNA) – Martyr Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani managed to unify all resistance groups into the Axis of Resistance and turn it into a highly effective force that could change the balance of power in the region.
Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani was the first military commander in the world to respond to the requests of the governments of Syria and Iraq, venturing into high-risk battlefields.
With his military talent, he unified and consolidated the nations in the region, activated Resistance Fronts in multiple countries, and created a new management framework through mobilization that led to the defeat of the US strategies in the region.
By neutralizing the Takfiri terrorists supported by the US and the Zionist regime, liberating Mosul in Iraq, and defeating ISIL, he rendered the greatest service to the nations and governments of the region—and even beyond the region.
The "Martyr of Al-Quds" played a vital role in establishing regional peace and security, combating Takfiri terrorism, repelling ISIL threats from Iran's borders, thwarting US plans in the region, enhancing the Axis of Resistance, expanding the geography of Resistance, and respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations.
According to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Qassem Soleimani was "the international figure of Resistance."
Repelling ISIL threat from Iran's borders
The US officials, including Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, explicitly admitted that the US trained, organized, and equipped ISIL. Subsequently, this terrorist group initiated its operations in Iraq and Syria with financial and ideological support from Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
The ultimate goal of ISIL was to destabilize Iran internally, creating insecurity and destruction on its borders and cities after taking control of these areas.
General Qassem Soleimani, along with his comrades under the title of the "Defenders of the Holy Shrines," engaged in the battle against this evil far from Iran’s borders, successfully averting the ISIL threat from reaching the Islamic Republic.
Eradicating ISIL in the region
The defeat of ISIL in the region and the dismantling of its structure, leaving only the remnants of its extremist Takfiri ideology, which will soon be eliminated were the results of the strategy, leadership, and management of General Soleimani inspired by the teachings of Imam Khomeini (RA) and the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.
He was able to take advantage of the various capacities—cultural, political, spiritual—to confront and defeat one of the most dangerous terrorist groups of the century which had the full support of corrupt and deceitful regional and international powers.
General Soleimani not only eliminated one of the greatest military and terrorist threats to Iran and the region but also mitigated a global threat that had posed significant risks in terms of violent and terrorist actions.
Defeating US plots in the region
The "Greater Middle East" plots, orchestrated by the US and the Zionist regime, with the support of certain European countries and Saudi Arabia, aimed to divide Syria and Iraq into smaller states. In response, General Qassem Soleimani, as part of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s strategy, worked to preserve and defend these nations' territorial integrity and sovereignty.
The boundaries General Soleimani established within the geography of Resistance thwarted the US and Zionist regime's plots which were tied to the empowerment of Takfiri terrorists and ISIL.
General Soleimani defended Iraq's sovereignty, leading to the stabilization of Iraq's national authority.
The US had sought to divide Iraq into three sections—Kurdish, Shia, and Sunni territories. Since the US entered the region, discussions around Iraq's disintegration and violations of its sovereignty were pushed forward.
Iran marks General Soleimani's 5th martyrdom anniversary (photos at link)
Tens of thousands of people gathered at General Soleimani's tomb at 1:20 (the time he was assassinated) in the snow.
In memory of Gen. Soleimani : Iconic anti-terrorism commander
TEHRAN, Jan. 02 (MNA) – As Iran’s top anti-terror commander, martyr Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani spared no effort to root out terrorism in the West Asian region.
Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), and their companions were assassinated in a US drone strike authorized by then-US President Donald Trump near Baghdad International Airport on January 3, 2020.
Both commanders were highly revered across the Middle East because of their key role in fighting the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group in the region, particularly in Iraq and Syria.
Iran has declared January 3, the day Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani was assassinated in a United States airstrike in Baghdad, as the International Day of Resistance.
Today coincides with the fifth anniversary of the assassination of Haj Qassem, the commander of the Quds force of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps.
The Illegal Assassination
A Pure Stream Media Production | English
With the martyrdom anniversary of Shaheed Haj Qasem Soleimani and Shaheed Abu Mahdi al-Mohandis, we bring forth a short documentary regarding the legality of the assassination of these two individuals by the United States of America.
The truth revealed in this short documentary will have you wondering why the United States of America still hasn’t been brought to the International Criminal Court due to their assassination of Shaheed Haj Qasem Soleimani, Shaheed Abu Mahdi al-Mohandis, and the people who were assassinated along with them.
A Loyal Commander |
Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes | Farsi Sub English
Iraqi born brave commander Martyr Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes was a close companion of Martyr Qasem Soleimani. They both were cowardly assassinated by the forces of great satan, America.
The Early Life of Qasem Soleimani | The Living Martyr P. 1 | English
General Soleimani In Syria | The Living Martyr P. 2 | English
Those Who Crushed ISIS in Iraq | The Living Martyr P. 3 | English
The Severe Revenge is Coming | The Living Martyr P. 4 (FINAL PART) | English

Thanks for this important post, Carina, and Happy New Year!
Just in case!