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Nov 8
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Thank you Thomas! I agree, God bless the youth

and just a thought ... automated systems can be hacked and used against sender 😉

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Nov 6
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I am afraid what he may do as well Jack. He’s a cowboy carnival act and unhinged when idiots start cheering him on. Thank God Iran has capable self defense and Russia and China as allies. Thank you for the video

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Nov 6
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The only hope I have Jack is the resistance. All the rest is just bs and we can not count on any institutions, international law, and especially politicians to do something after over a year. Now the genocide is expanding and they still do nothing but pretend they give a damn.

BDS and the resistance fighting till the last drop of blood 🇵🇸

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Nov 6
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God willing Jack🙏! I am all for that and I do not drink either (although sometimes with current world events, I am tempted for some raspberry vodka 🤣)

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Nov 6
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Hurry up with it ! 🙏

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Respec for those with the courage to say no.

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✊ agree Sol, there is hope for the future

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Timely bit of positivity. Thanks!

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Most welcome ✊ thank you for your support and restack 🇵🇸

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These are very valient young women and men. I feel profound respect for them. May their voices been heard in deep state Israel, as these young people will be needed when forming a new state, a new society, a new concept of multiethnic, multireligious secular state of the future.

These people, together with the unknown of, together with those who left "Israel" to return to Palestina, are the future.

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Thank you Arturo 🕊

It is a seed of hope, let's help nourish it so it can bloom

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Thanks for sharing the stories of these courageous Israeli conscientious objectors, Carina.

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Most welcome Diana, thank you for your support and caring 🕊

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Thanks for more important information, Carina!

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Most welcome Leon, thank you for reading and your support 🕊

There is hope for our children 💚

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Israel is an international (imperial) mechanism of fraud. As simple (or not so simple) as this. Legally speaking it is a State. In practice it functions more of as a militarized cult (on steroids) funded and supported by imperialism. All under camouflage of a Jewish state. In short - fraud.

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It was put there to disrupt and prevent solidarity amongst the Arab diaspora that the West realized owned practically ALL the oil and out of disrespect for Non-European peoples. Also as a money laundering entity that operated differently then the Vatican operation is.

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It's good to acknowledge the Good Eggs, so to speak. And to see it when it's real.

Thanks, Carina, another "Well Done, Gryffindor!" for you. xo xo

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It's unfortunate that the Old Greedy Warmongers are still in government. If they hadn't rigged the system they would have been gone ages ago.

I'm glad the younger people are open, courageous and honorable there and in the other countries. They are taking a beating and it'll get worse under this old/new criminal in the US. The only ones that could trip him up are mostly greedy war criminals in our Congress and they just gave him (I'm sure it's sponsored by Zionists) a huge cudgel to choke off dissent.

But there is hope in the young and the elders that stand with them and guide them.

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Good News! The House of Representatives rejected the Tax Exempt Bill HR 9495 that would punish "possible terrorist" organizations. What a relief.

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