Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Carina Malatesta

Meanwhile in Europe the war machine is getting in gear...

This from a FB post about low-flying military helicopters.

"Exercises like this are vital to ensuring that pilots and crews are ready to deploy operationally."

ETA couldn't include the screenshot in the comment but it's here.


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Thank you. USA is trying to drag Europe into war with Russia. USA wants WW3 they are collapsing.

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Not the USA but the corrupt illegally installed Obama 3rd term fronted by pedo Joe Biden. You didn’t see this level of chaos under POTUS DJT.

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I can not tolerate Obomba. I think he was the worst US President ever.

However, I saw the US embassy moved in Israel. I saw the USA illegally attack Syria under Trump. I saw the USA steal Syrian oil and grain under Trump. I saw Yemeni children slaughtered under Trump. I saw Gerneral Soleimani and his companions murdered against international law under Trump. I saw Puerto Rico which is a US territory have paper towels thrown at them when suffering from a devastating hurricane. I saw Trump lead his followers on an false flag insurrection that placed them in prison while he is not. Should I go on?

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No , you have proven your delusional leftist credentials, cherry picking facts out of context and ignoring 4 years when blacks and legal Hispanics made disproportionate gains based on a healthy economy and real jobs, not welfare and diversity hiring. And I am sure you hate mean tweets and are OK with Jews being raped , murdered & kidnapped.

You have any idea why Gen. S was targeted, or were the terrorist attacks ordered by him righteous Jihad?

Yes, Trump kept a US promise that had been broken by several administrations prior.

Oh, and Trump didn’t lead an insurrection that wasn’t (girl, how do you have an insurrection without any weapons?), but you are right about false flag: there were many undercover feds leading & agitating that @ the direction of Nancy Pelosi et al.

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I refer to foreign policy of the USA because I do not give a care about U.S. domestic issues as I am not an American. Also, do not ever put words in my mouth about wanting any person to be raped. All of those allegations have been debunked ICYMI. All israel and the US gov't do lie. You should learn respect for others. Soleimani was murdered for destroying USA ISIS 💡

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Carina, you have political homonymous hemianopsia.

I have heard that the Hamas liars and their supporters have asserted that Israeli women were not raped during an after October 7th, but I don’t believe them for a second.

I also note that you pointedly did not deny murder, torture, kidnapping and hostage taking. So in your mind it is all good, so long as you can delude yourself into believing that no women were raped; if they were tortured, kidnapped, held hostage, killed, that’s all good, just as long as they weren’t raped. After all they were Jews, weren’t they?

All governments lie, we are learning that in spades in the US recently. Hamas does as well.

Tell me how I disrespected who? You?

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Jun 10Liked by Carina Malatesta

“We do not know which body belongs to whom”

But we DO know who is responsible!

The U.S. is collapsing so rapidly and the goons in control are so desperate that WWIII/Nuclear War is their plan!

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Jun 10Liked by Carina Malatesta

Yes, and in that plan We Are All Palestinians.

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Jun 10Liked by Carina Malatesta

The brilliant Chris Hedges said that recently. You are in good company. Until fairly recently I didn't believe "they" would go that far. Now I'm convinced that they will come for us too!

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Jun 10Liked by Carina Malatesta

Thankfully we have the Palestinians to teach us sumud and sabr.

Peace,Dx 🇵🇸

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You all are Hamas, but I am not, and the chaos unleashed on the world is thanks to whoever is pulling sleepy pedo Joe’s strings.

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LOL at we are all Hamas. That is very antisemitic


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Jun 10Liked by Carina Malatesta

"whoever is pulling sleepy pedo Joe’s strings"

Let me help you Roger - it's this lot https://www.aipac.org/

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I ended up blocking Roger. I had enough of the rudeness and arrogance while being so misinformed.

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Jun 10Liked by Carina Malatesta

Yes, my block button has seen a lot of use recently. I will tolerate someone being misinformed if they seem willing to become informed. The rapid descent into insults usually says it all so I don't waste my energy where it'll have no positive affect.

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That is exactly how I feel about the situation.

Roger wasted my time and I missed catching up with people I prefer to interact with. I should have known better I guess but I try to have hope.

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Thanks for your updates, Carina. People need to know what's going on in Palestine.

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You are most welcome. I hope one day I can bring good news and go back to my gardening blog versus this 🙏

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I so hear you, Carina. I signed up to Substack in September 2023 intending to write about big ideas. I almost always post about Palestine now.🙏

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God willing this ends soon without it leading to WW3 and we all can go on with life as intended 🙏

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Carina Malatesta

Thank you Carina,

Keep up your good work.


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You are welcome, thank you Sol. Good to see you ✊

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