Jun 19Liked by Carina Malatesta


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70000 “Israeli” Soldiers Disabled; 35% Suffering Mental Conditions


That and Ukraine is why US is reinstating the draft.

Hezbollah Unleashes its Reconnaissance ‘Hoopoe’, Precisely Hits Israeli Sites


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Jun 19Liked by Carina Malatesta

The French and UK publicly announce their intention to have a draft, the U.S. per it's Government's in country duplicity, stealthily inacts it.

The US will have another Kent University murder by cop in it's near future and they don't care unless it happens before the 'elections'.

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They do not care is exactly correct. I do not know why they are planning but I do know they want to keep from escalating until after the elections.I do not know if sleepy Joe will be able to manage that.

@Ellen MHa

Antony Blinken runs away from reporters’ questions on plot against Palestinians | Janta Ka Reporter

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was left exposed on Tuesday when Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu revealed how the former had promised to work day and night to remove the US ban on the supply of deadly weapons to Israel.

A visibly embarrassed Blinken ran away from answering reporters’ questions on the new revelation.

Rifat Jawaid in his analysis says that this is the most explicit evidence to conclude that Blinken and USA simply can’t be trusted as honest brokers of peace in the Middle East.


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Jun 19Liked by Carina Malatesta

I'm wondering if Blinken and Sullivan and the others have any idea of what their doing or what to do. I'm absolutely sure they are stupid and dishonest beyond what had been normal in DC in past years. They sure can use some guidance from the sane people they keep silencing and marginalizing.

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Jun 19Liked by Carina Malatesta

By the way, that's a disgusting watch. So many lies.

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I agree, I can barely stand to watch the US officials press briefings. It's all lies and I can barely get through the entire videos just to keep an eye on the enemy. How do these people sleep at night?

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Jun 19Liked by Carina Malatesta

Isrealhell is the albatross to the Western empire. Why won't they try to staunch the flow of blood, resources, power and reputation?

As many intellectuals have said for some time the West closed down their Diplomatic Institutions and don't have the knowledge today use them. They could, but they are too arrogant to think they need anything more than weapons and at first, other nation's citizens.

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I really do not know. I do know US GDP is weapons and war. I do know the US Congress makes money off investing in weapons and war. I do know the US wants WW3 to try and retain their western hegemony over the world. I do know some have said they will blame the collapse of the US on the war.

Why not practice diplomacy and mutual aid? I have no idea

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Jun 19Liked by Carina Malatesta

In truth, the GDP in government announcements aren't really representative of the whole country or what's true. Those numbers they claim that help the economy don't because a lot of it is unaccounted for and also goes to the top 1 to 10%. That does not represent a healthy economy.

You may have seen the misery of the homelessness and heard that 65% of Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck. 20% of US children go to bed hungry everynight in this country. I just read of a desperate homeless man that was hiding in shade from a bridge overhead, in the piece the interviewer asked the jobless, homeless man how he felt about this country. He answered with tears in his eyes that this was the best country in the world and he's lucky to live here. Indoctrination, much?

Just like in all those past empires, greed and coveting thy neighbors resources is damning this country.

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I have seen all the homeless and the extremely high number of drug addicts. US looks terrifying @Ellen MHa

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Jun 22Liked by Carina Malatesta

Well after the f**ing rearranging of the deck chairs on our very own Titanic and the economically and otherwise disadvantaged that are locked in the Steerage class by the elites, it'll be worse. I believe that after this beast race, all the pretending by the Demo's and we know the GOP are not hiding their agenda, they are going to go full on fascist and even show the working class and the not able to work what the ruling class think they good for and that war fodder and boot camps.

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I can not believe that US citizens are not in the streets demanding a fair election not this redux of old white Zionist men. Biden or Trump full blown fascism is coming to the USA, you are correct, wrapped in an American flag.

Israelis are in the streets, Europeans are in the streets, all getting their heads bashed and beaten down by Zionist trained police @Ellen MHa Europe is finished as planned by the USA


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Jun 24Liked by Carina Malatesta

The West is ALL about "The deck chairs are being rearranged! Let's all give our money to outdo the hundreds of billionaires that are fighting over which version of fascism they'll have here. The Legacy MSM is making sure no one pays attention to the Slaughter of Palestinians or the arming of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

The militarized police (hey, we have are very own paramilitary, now) are always the forces sent to deal with peaceful protest and bash heads in these days. We were told Obama stopped (claimed to have) equipment from Iraq going to cops, but Trump's regime started it up again and of course "No fundamental change Biden" left everything in place. When Trump started re-arming police it had this country in an uproar, but it's Okay if Biden expands some of the worst policies. I'm thinking it's a shell game run by the neo-liberal agenda.

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Jun 19Liked by Carina Malatesta

Sayyed Nasrallah: The most dangerous thing the enemy faces is the spirit of its combatants who believe in martyrdom as a culture of life.

Truth is the cure for Zionism!

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That is why I am posting this. I can just imagine what the western media will be saying.

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Jun 19Liked by Carina Malatesta

Whatever the ZioMSM says is a lie!

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Jun 19Liked by Carina Malatesta

You know, months ago many retired upper service members and military analysts were saying the US knows better to get into a war with Hezbollah. That the US knows it can't do that and everything else too. Now, I really don't believe there's a sane person making decisions or giving advise anymore. I think it's anyone's guess how Israell will do us in.

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It will not just be with Hezbollah either if the US goes through with this attack on Lebanon. IMO the US is in charge of this genocide because Israel is a client state. Israel can not survive without the US not the other way around. That being said, people are already contacting Hezbollah wanting to join in the forces against western terrorism. In addition, Russia and Hezbollah are allies from the US terrorist attacks on Syria. Russia has said they will be arming US enemies from now on as US does it to Russia, tit for tat. Hezbollah is one of the largest armies in the world already on it’s own @Ellen MHa

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