
First, I hope everyone takes the time to view

"The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade" either here or on YouTube. It truly is an eye opener.


Second, here is a perfect example of what this post is about. I admire this young leader and hope he is well protected from the powers that be.

"President Traore Slams France For Using Terrorists in Benin to Destabilize Burkina Faso"


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Jul 14Liked by Carina Malatesta

This shit needs to END. Power should never be consolidated as it is now... Nor wealth. We need a whole 'nuther paradigm. NOW.

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Jul 12Liked by Carina Malatesta

Whew, tired now zzz

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I’m sorry, I tried to keep the news somewhat brief (except Palestine) to focus on the global arms sales, NATO, etc..

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No apologies necessary, Carina!

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Jul 14Liked by Carina Malatesta

You are doing the Good Work.

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Jul 12Liked by Carina Malatesta

No apologies. Blackstone! Lots to take in. Glad to have in one place!

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Thank you, I hope everyone takes some time to view the documentary “Shadow World” it really is an eye opener. I think I sent it to you prior to this post.

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Jul 13Liked by Carina Malatesta

Yes! Now that we know all these things, someone please offer a solution. Would it be a possible world, if we all stood up? Or,is this now so out of hand,there is no stopping.

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For more information on alternative economics, getting self-sufficient and moving on without the parasitic, incompetent, globalist oligarchs:







Thailand’s Sufficiency Economy Explained

Ideology Vs. Realism: Your Principles Might be a Straight Jacket

We Already Live in a Free Market - Here's Why It's No Utopia (Yet)

Using Organic Agriculture to Change Your Community (and the World)

So You Want to Start a Resistance


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Carina, I have just read "Mutual Aid: An Essay" by Errico Malatesta. One does not often find words and thoughts expressed that are instinctively and immediately recognizable as the embodiment of real truth and wisdom, but such was my reaction to this essay. I will not reiterate the details of his deeply appropriate observations, as I suspect that you are already familiar with them. I will only opine that here is a man of such penetrating depth and understanding, such articulate and straightforward command of human nature, psychology and history, and such obvious concern and care about sharing his expansive awareness for the benefit of mankind, that the world would be much better off by learning and embracing his thoughts. This is an extraordinarily cogent and relevant testament to the flaws and needs of society - as important today as it was in 1909. It's a remarkable, beautiful essay!

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Thank you Leon. I have read many of his books and writings. You can find more on Malatesta at that link. It is fascinating that they are still relevant today. Malatesta spent much of his life exiled and imprisoned, having been jailed and expelled from Italy, Britain, France, and Switzerland. Even in those times they found his way of thinking to be too dangerous to the status quo.

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Jul 14Liked by Carina Malatesta

Is there a link to that essay? Can I read it without money first? Ack, I hate to ask, but I'm very broke.

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Jul 14Liked by Carina Malatesta

If we all stood up, we outnumber "Them" by the BILLIONS. We can refuse to play their games. But we're going to have to figure out to stop them from zapping, spraying, poisoning, and shooting us.

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We have to bankrupt them, buy local stop funding the corporations that run the gov'ts. That was one of the reasons for their Covid lockdowns to eliminate the small businesses and consolidate their wealth.

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Jul 15Liked by Carina Malatesta


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Carina - first of all, your comments, your on-point analysis, are just brilliant. And this International News Roundup provides a stunning wealth of insights and information via the included links and stories. I must confess that the information you provide us access to, from Naming Names: Your Real Government, to Black Rock, to Inside the Global Arms Trade, and the rest, present a chilling, disconcerting, absolutely frightening analysis of the extent to which we are deeply ensnared by the "combine of billion-dollar multinational corporations" that you referred to - to a degree that most of us can not even imagine. It's mind-blowing, and depressing. Their level of control and influence over global policy-making and manipulation makes it clear that the wars, coups, atrocities, misinformation, genocides and conflicts are just deliberately-facilitated byproducts of their monstrously self-serving efforts. It takes true courage and conviction to not just simply wilt under the horror of these realities and sink into utter despair. It is said that information is power - and your incredible dissemination of such vital truth is certainly fulfilling the prerequisite for being able to even contemplate the necessary changes that are urgently in order. What a noble service you are providing, Carina. We are in your debt, because the forces of evil are overwhelming almost beyond belief. Words can hardly convey my gratitude for your efforts and my admiration of your heroic work.

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Thank you very much Leon. I am very pleased the way I share information works well. If I had to write all this information in English myself it would take forever and it would not provide the resources for people to be able to find information on their own. I am honored and humbled by your words of gratitude. I do this because all they can do is kill me not the ideal. I want to leave the world a better place for our children ✊🏼

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Jul 14Liked by Carina Malatesta

Hear, hear!!

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Carina Malatesta

So sickening it almost physically hurts. Truth can taste so bitter but it's still better to know it. Great work, Carina!

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Thank you very much, it does hurt. The truth needs to be known so we can change the system and break this cycle. These lunatics are preparing for WW3.

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Jul 14Liked by Carina Malatesta

Indeed. And the knee-jerk reaction to just start FIGHTING is soooooo strong.

This time we're in, I believe, calls for CREATIVITY, not killing.

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Jul 12Liked by Carina Malatesta

Sickening, vile creatures!

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Jul 12Liked by Carina Malatesta

great article Carina

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Grazie ✊🏼

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Jul 13Liked by Carina Malatesta


When the clash between the combined West and the combining rest eventually winds down, it will go down as one of history's most spectacular and most embarrassing failures of leadership. If Western leaders were capable of shame, they would be resigning their positions in droves. The fact that they’re not is because they were carefully recruited and cultivated precisely so that they wouldn't have such scruples.

West under clowns and zealots -- Western world has been cultivating a dangerous groupthink that's all but sealed the collapse of their agendas. -- Alex Sasha Krainer -- Jun 05, 2024


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Thank you Boris

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Jul 14Liked by Carina Malatesta

If only the "regular" people of the world realized our power...

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Whew! (Just a final comment so I can share a note).

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Jul 14Liked by Carina Malatesta

Planning to watch "Shadow World" this morning.

You do such an excellent job, Carina. EXCELLENT.

We live in the most dangerous times, I think, that the world has ever known... Surely we particular individuals are here now for a reason! I am hoping that that reason is to find a way to PEACE for everyone, and FREEDOM for everyone, and an end to "endless" war...

I do understand, and share, the anger that arises when we see shameless brutality and lie after lie after lie from leadership, especially in the Western countries, and within those countries, especially in the US and UK...

I am always hopeful that sooner or later, a great wave of righteous fervor will consume our PEOPLE and we will rise up and peacefully (I hope) stop the EVIL that is currently swirling around our beautiful planet like a vast poisonous cloud from Hell... I believe this can be done WITHOUT VIOLENCE. I hope I will be proven right about that. The sheer numbers of Human Beings have a power we have never used. Let us learn how strength in numbers can work for what is RIGHT... This is not impossible. This is what can usher in a New Life for everyone now, and in the future. This is my dream, and the dream of many now and many before us.

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Thank you 💚! For us to do this peacefully we have to boycott, we have to bankrupt the corporations that profit from the endless war and violence. In the meantime, we can count on the resistance factions to fight for us while we protest peacefully. I just fear the powers that be will not allow us to remain peaceful.

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Jul 15Liked by Carina Malatesta

Nobody can force us to war on each other. But they can make things damn difficult. One thing is, we need to get our MONEY out of these central banks asap.

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Carina, I'm responding here to a separate post, for obvious reasons. The Chris Hedges Report: Once again I'm prevented from making a comment because of a paywall (so trumpian, so.....capitalist!). The shame is that Chris Hedges, in his visionary essay "My Thoughts On the Attempted Trump Assasination" has put our contemporary situation in a breathtakingly truthful perspective - brilliantly identifying what is imperative if our contemporary circumstances have a chance to avoid absolute oblivion (or a horrifying, authoritarian dystopia - which is the same thing!). Because his message is so important, I'll have to find another way to promote it other than by commenting on his thread. Pity!

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I read it Leon, thank you. I agree with him but I did not try to comment or restack because the priority is Palestine for me. Regardless, I sent you some information on how to get around these paywalls in chat. Let me know if that helps you ✊🏼 🇵🇸

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Carina Malatesta

Thank you for keeping us up to date, your work is much needed and appreciated.

Here my latest one


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Thank you @Sol Sön 🇵🇸

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