Jul 24Liked by Carina Malatesta

Is Civil War 2.0 coming to the USA? Will they put Biden to sleep like they did with king George V in 1936 when they were brewing up WWII? – Alex Sasha Kreiner – Jul 24 – OUTSTANDING

A timely masterpiece — it should be widely distributed, supported by donations and advertised.

After 10+ days we still don’t have any (daily) updates from FBI and other security agencies (esp. from odious Mayorka’s) on Trump assassination attempt — nor even about bomb assassination attempt on Kamala Harris four years ago!?!?

Once again — a seminal and timely article. Let’s hope that Trump (as well as RFK Jr. and Stein) organization is more competent this time and well prepared for what is likely coming.


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Thank you Boris ✊

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Jul 24Liked by Carina Malatesta

Excellent Roundup as we 🤮 at the ZioTurd speech to his puppets!

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Thank you @Jack I thought it was a little light on news but I was distracted with the protests. I wanted to get it out. I will try for a more well rounded News Roundup on Friday. God willing

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Jul 25Liked by Carina Malatesta

I still learned from it!

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Thank you 🤗 I need to figure out what is going on in other parts of the world. I have been obsessed with Palestine. Kenya for instance, is this grassroots protests or more US intervention? I really have no idea at present 🤔

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Jul 25Liked by Carina Malatesta

Even doctors and lawyers must specialize in one area to become experts in their field. Considering what's happening in Palestine and the region, you're doing a great job of keeping up.

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Thank you Jack 😊

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Jul 25Liked by Carina Malatesta

I have read very little about the protests and more about boohoobb pile. Other than changed rooms at hotel and burned effigy, nothing much on protests. Arrested six and ny police in dc. Was hoping to be overwhelmed with news of pushback.

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Thank you, I missed the effigy burning. I was hoping for more as well but they did a good job. I wish they could have attempted a citizen's arrest if just for the cameras.

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Jul 25Liked by Carina Malatesta

I thought it was pretty comprehensive..so much to do,so little time.

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Thank you Pat

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by Carina Malatesta

Zionism the destroyer of israel

Thank you for your work Carina, I polished a little the ending.

Just wrote this

Unfolding horror and devastation, blind hate and rage, against a nation.

Of apartheid, the proclamation, stealing more land, called annexation.

Killing the owners, of looted nations, called ethnocide, the confirmation.

Water as weapon, to starve a nation, for to exploit, its population.

Of hate the cult, to frighten Nations,, blood death and gore, its rule of action..

Genocide blamed, on victim nation, media control, for of the truth, manipulation.

Deceiving all, false information, to feed the wars, kill populations.

Hiding the corps, in confirmation, its biggest fear, of truth and facts, the denunciation.

Monsters by ways, of indoctrination, blinded by lies, and mutilation.

A trauma bonding, indoctrination, blood ritual trauma, the cult foundation.

Of horror born, for domination, of Genocide, normalization.

Sick from its birth, the born dead nation, crashed by the weight, of its illegal, prolonged belligerent, bloody occupation.

Chosen it self, above all nation, apartheid roads, manifestation.

Braking the laws, of all the nations, war crimes and deals, the apartheid nation

Time is to end, its occupation, end apartheid, and forced starvation.

Ending the fear, and domination, imposed by those, conspiring nations.

Time is to end, the abomination, time to face Genocide, United Nations.

Peace, dignity, freedom and Justice for Palestine is no longer just a slogan, it is a must.

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Thank you @Sol Sön perfect!

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Jul 25Liked by Carina Malatesta

Thank you for your work, ant thanks to all of those who stand up and kick in the face the injustice.

Mass media and algorithms are trying its best to suppress informations regarding demonstrations.

Here in Finland, if you make an internet search about demonstrations for Palestine, you get only outdated pages at best, and if you listen to mainstream medias, they always claim far smaller numbers of protestors than the actual, nothing about the peaceful demonstrations, and only stories of violence on protestors and on people denouncing crimes to the police to frighten the masses.

its important to reinforce people protesting and to lett them see that indeed we are the majority.

Here an other interesting article I just found


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Jul 24Liked by Carina Malatesta

BDS should include Germany, France, and England. There are countries that are supporting South Africa’s petition and that are recognizing Palestine whose products we should support instead- Spain, Korea, Columbia, Nicaragua, etc.

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Agree! Boycott any nation or corporation that supports Zionist Israel

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Jul 25Liked by Carina Malatesta

Thank you Danny. Since he was a US citizen they can make him President. Good place for him. See how much they love him then.

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Jul 25Liked by Carina Malatesta

thanks for the share and good to see a global roundup! Hope you're well Carina.

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Welcome, thank you. All is well as can be, hope this finds you well also ✊

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Jul 25Liked by Carina Malatesta

Such a Disgusting World Order we find ourselves swamping around in, Carina. I'm so pleased and grateful for all of your efforts to show just how Demented the Western Establishment has grown. But mostly I'm grateful to have you at my (OUR) side as we move to correct an over-balance, and return God, Allah, The Divine Creator of the All of Everything.., to the Centre if a Divinely Ordered World.

THANK YOU! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸💚💚💚💚🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you Kali 🇵🇸💚🙏🤗 I am grateful to have you at my (our) side too. Justice for All! Now would be good 🙏. If I did not have responsibilities here I would be headed to Iran somewhere in the mountains😅. This looks good


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God bless you for everything you say and do Carina 🇵🇸♥️🙏

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🇵🇸💚🙏 Thank you Najwan, Allah yubarik feeki 🤲

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You too habeebti wallah ♥️

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Jul 26Liked by Carina Malatesta

Great job, as usual! xo

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Thank you ! 🤗

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Jul 27Liked by Carina Malatesta

Thank you, too!

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