This vaccination campaign is as paradoxical as it is highly suspect. It appears, more likely as an additional tool for the spread of polio (probably introduced by the Zionist entity itself), of destruction by another means of Palestinian society. Moreover, there is every reason to believe that substantial dividends will undoubtedly flow from these machiavellian manoeuvres. So don’t see any inclination to philanthropy!

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I agree 100%. This is just biowarfare imo. In addition, even if it was philanthropic how would they go about this? Aid workers are constantly targeted and this would be no different. How do they find the people that are endlessly running from one place to another seeking safety where there is none.

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A very comprehensive look at world affairs. Thank you for your excellent work, Carina. What I found most interesting at the moment is the story of Libya and how it was a true democracy. And now look at what happened to Libya? The Libyans suffer.

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Thank you Perry, and you are most welcome.

I am going to start including some history in my Newsletter for what has been missed by so many. Libya is all Obomba’s doing. Now they have slave markets.

I have the actual green book pdf that was taken down after the US killed Gaddafi I will post in the future. In the mean time here is this

Muammar Gaddafi

The Green Book


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From what I have read from impartial sources, the U.S. wanted regime change; France and Britain had their own interests, possibly their oil resources The result was and remains a disaster in Libya.

And Europeans wonder why so many Libyan migrants want to escape their country and make a new life in Europe. I certainly would do the same if my country was unstable, a result of outside forces.

The Green Book seems interesting.

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Here is the PDF in English if you would like to read it


and here is Gaddafi’s warning to Europe

Al Gaddafi's Prophecy in 2011 - 'Europe will turn black'


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I will read it and watch the video.

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Thank you! Both are very enlightening and show what happens when you reject submitting to Western hegemony. After destroying Libya, next stop Syria.

Have a great evening and thank you for reading and caring!

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Sep 6Liked by Carina Malatesta

Those SEVEN countries in 5 years or whatever it was... One after another, taken out. Sickening to the point of hemorrhage...

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Sep 6Liked by Carina Malatesta

What a horror show and what beauty it was until the US turn its hideous eyes on it...

So sad.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Carina Malatesta

Yes the very idea of a vaccine which must be administrated twice in the middle of a war zone is insane.

Here some worst news about it


The biggest issue, beside the Genocide committed by starvation, bombing, shooting and force transferring people across mine fields of unexploded ordinance and snipers, is the fact that disease spread through dirty water which is pretty much everywhere.

Chlorine tablets for water disinfection are even more important then any vaccine, yet none talks about it nor of to impose sanctions and to send troops to stop the israeli aggression.

As always, Thank you for sharing Carina

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I posted that info in the featured section about the polio vaccines Sol. They did the same thing in Syria as well. Thank you for the additional information.

Children who are starving and unwell in general should never be vaccinated with anything until they are healthy.

This is all bs and just biowarfare.

It’s just incredulous that the world is held hostage by US and Israel and no one is doing anything to stop it.

School started in USA and they are back to shooting children inside the US schools and still nothing ….

Anyone who sends their child to a public school inside the US is insane.

It is ALWAYS the children that the USA attacks 🤬

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Sep 6Liked by Carina Malatesta

Gates and his family... LONG TIME eugenicists... What the HELL is wrong with these damn people?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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depopulation agenda 🤬

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Sep 7Liked by Carina Malatesta

Note also that the alleged 8 billion claim is false, as child birth as dropped and continued to drop for the last 30 years.

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Sep 7Liked by Carina Malatesta
Sep 7Liked by Carina Malatesta

Yes, I am aware of the things you elucidate, and there are some specifics that are new to me, but generally, I’ve been clued in for almost since the beginning. It’s mind-boggling. I’ve been around a few psychopaths in my life, and they really are quite different from the rest of us. They Don’t Get It, when it comes to compassion, or empathy, they are UNABLE to “get it.”

What to do with them is a question for us, but certainly, they should not have power over any other beings.

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Sep 7Liked by Carina Malatesta

My question was rhetorical, but... yeah.

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Sep 5Liked by Carina Malatesta

Thank you Carina! You're doing a great job rounding up the international News. Now, if we could only round up the international war mongers and put them in cages ...

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Thank you very much! I would like to put the warmongers somewhere they could never escape. Shoot them into space? 😉

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Sep 6Liked by Carina Malatesta

Into the SUN?

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Sep 5Liked by Carina Malatesta

Thanks for this wide ranging report on a subject that gets near silence from US media. If it wasn’t for Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran this genocide would have had the same universal support it enjoys in the US Congress. Saw that Red Sea traffic has almost ground to a halt affecting the bottom line in 50 countries.

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You are most welcome, thank you for your support.

I love Yemen so very much, they are fearless. Yes, Yemen has about destroyed Israel’s economy and then some. This is why I was so angry at Erdogan working with the UAE to get a work around for Israel and the West. He is such a snake unlike the Yemeni heroes. That SOB would sell his own mother.

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Sep 5Liked by Carina Malatesta

Between Polio and attacking the West Bank, the ZioTerrorist psychopaths continue to increase their inhumanity.

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Sep 6Liked by Carina Malatesta

They won't stop with the less-able, either. :(

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Sep 6Liked by Carina Malatesta

Just unbelievable EVIL, I can't even take it in.

Thank you for this service, I hope you're taking good care of yourself, my friend. I hope you're also filling your eyes with love and lovely, and not just horror and death... I love you!

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Thank you 💚

love you too 🤗 I appreciate your concern but you take care of you. You have plenty to deal with yourself. I wish I was closer to where you are to be able to help you. If I have to take a break from the horror show I do.

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Sep 7Liked by Carina Malatesta

You are very sensible and “grounded,” as they say, which I would expect from you! Please do take good care of such a lovely person, as in, YOU. xo xo

I’m doing okay, and slowly I’m getting positioning from which to address all these nagging problems. Meanwhile, the irritations of the Shelter are a good distraction… lol. Grrrrrrr. lol. 🐕

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🤗💜🐕 hang in there 💜 and thank you!

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Toxic vaccinations? Assaults on olive trees, and roads. Killers sniping children. Murder continues, intensifies. International Justice still sitting on their hands......

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There is no justice Leon, they are blowing smoke up our collective asses. This should be a wake up call to every single person on this planet. People should not be sitting on their ass allowing this to happen and waiting for it to happen to them. It will keep happening and to all of us now that they know they can do whatever they damn well please with impunity. If people do not give a damn about Palestinians they might want to think about their own survival. Idiots

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You're so right.....

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Sep 11Liked by Carina Malatesta

All i have to say is ,holy shit‼️

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