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Mar 6
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I do not know if they do not realize it or just do not care as well. I know some Zionists outside of Israel are realizing this is damaging Israel's impunity. Instead of correcting the problem, they just try for more censorship of their actions.

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Mar 5
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Thank you! 🤗

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Mar 5
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Thank you! Agree 100% and US is/was trying to change international law to enable this genocide

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As far as I know, China and the Arab League were the only ones to bring up this point at the ICJ. There may have been more to do so. I did not get to watch all the nations presenting evidence as of yet.

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Mar 5
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No kidding! I was running late today with dual posts and a touch of the flu.

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I will send this around Australia, starting with CarinsNews,org

As I understand it, Israel is illegal and Zionists are promoting an illegal state.

Second. as the vast majority ofr Israelis are Ashkenazim they are not the Jewish people as they claim so they are guilty of criminal fraud.

In pursuit of this fraud, illegal occupation, and genocide, they are outside the Law and therefore should be declared outlaws. As outlaws they should be apprehended, dead or alive.

I would like to know how one applies for a bounty hunters licence.

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Thank you!

I would like to know how we get interpol warrants issued for these criminals. Where are the human rights and international law lawyers to help out on this? They should all be ashamed. Meanwhile Biden's earpiece visited Downing St in place of Biden and no one seemed to care


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George Gallaway has turned UK upside down. He is saying what no others could say and be heard. Meanwhile, the majority of Americans have reversed their previous support of Israel and, while none will do anything about it, they will stand passively by while Russia moves in.

I believe that the louder we call for a multi-nation attack on Israel, the sooner it will happen. Putin is cautious and will be monitoring public opinion. I am repeating this message in the media as often as possible. It is now only a matter of time before the Zionists try to shut me up but they do not know where I live and so the only way they can find me is by tracking me to my driving licence home address. I will get from them the identities of those who sent them. Then the fun will begin. I already know who it will be: Paul Liebler, the President of the Zionist Federation. But I have to prove he put the contract on me. After that, nothing can stop me.

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Why they really hate Iran💡. Iran succeeded in throwing out the tyrants ...

The Revolution of the Oppressed | Imam Khomeini | Farsi Sub English


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Yeah. I followed that closely at the time. Later, when Israel attacked Amahdanejad, I was one of the few in the West who publicly supported him, pointing out he had not threatened to destroy Israel, but said that if Israel attacked Iran that Iran would respond by wiping Israel of the face of the map. I was published in the Iran Times and elsewhere, including Mathaba. Years later, they had to delete my comments because Israel was seriously pissed off and this had spread to Australia.

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I still love him! He did have a website I followed but of course I can no longer get there or it has been seized.

“The American government wants to expand its hegemony over the center of energy in the world, which is the Middle East,”said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a Manhattan dinner with mainly American peace and justice advocates. Iran considers weapons of mass destruction to be forbidden under Islam. All the talk of war is merely a cloak for America’s imperial ambitions."



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It is cheering that such conversations still take place. Living in Australia, it is as though the entire world is a, American-Zionist universe with no alternative possible. Before all else happens, the Zionist media must be destroyed because that controls everybody's minds.

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Thanks for publishing this clarification of international law. Which our media has obscured by cheer leading hasbara. The occupier doesn’t have the right to self defense against resistance to oppression. So true! Or crush and murder the people the resistance claims to represent. Which the UN has reiterated and most countries in the global south agrees. But enough older Americans have swallowed the hasbara for Biden, and his minions in western capitals, to play evil monster to the rest of the planet.

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You are very welcome, thank you! That video of US Senator Warren and her stupid comments had me republish this in my News Roundup. I do not know if they are really that ignorant or just think we are.

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We all need to loudly demand that Israelis submit to DNA tests.

The claim to defend its ancestral homeland can easily be erased by DNA testing of all Ashkenazim. Few, if any, will reveal Semitic DNA.. Zionists were confident nobody would call their bluff about origininating in "israel" but nobody anticipated the Genome Project, which has enabled DNA testing. In panic, Israel made DNA testing illegal unless mandated by the Court, and even then under caveat of secrecy. But many young israelis smelled a rat and returned to the US, only to find they were not Jewish at all. YouTube crushed their trumpeting of the result in seconds, but it is too late. Millions saw the video. Now that the truth is out, the call for DNA testing has commenced. Many Arab young people have voluneteered to do so themselves and made some startling , albeit, hilarious discoveries. One of them found he is part Irish, possibly related to me, because we Ryans have Middle east DNA. Go figure. "WE are all brothers and sisters" they said, laughing.

Meanwhile, as I see it. neither the US nor Israeli Zionists will stop killing Palestinians. In my humble view, the only way to end this mess is for every pro-human nation to join forces and eliminate Israel and Washington. in one fell swoop. Instant obliteration of both evil militaries, simultaneously. That may prevent WWIII.

I am sitting impatiently by my phone waiting for my old mates Vlad, Kim, and all the rest of the gang to let me know "It's all the way with what I say". Nothing as yet. I am wondering if my battery is flat.

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🤗 I wish Kim would call and say he has my farm ready

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Ha ha.

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I luv Kim 🤣

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The West is about to be shocked that they have believed lies about North Korea, Russia, Hamas, Houthi, Hezbollah, Syria's Assad, Iran, and Cuba. Most people have no idea that the "evil terrorists" are in fact the good guys, and their own western governments threaten humanity and even life on this planet. Speaking for myself, there will be no forgiveness. Those that were fooled wanted to be fooled and did not want to seek out the truth. It was easier to go witht the flow. They will get nothing from me. My loyalty will go tho those who have risked their lives for freedom.

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Brilliant lawyer. Brilliant

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Yes he is 😊. I made certain to save that video

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“This is an affront to international law”

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Israel happens to be the most successful example of Decolonization in history.

Reclaiming the homeland of the Jews from a long line of colonizers.

Invading Romans, Arabs, Ottomans, the British.

Descendants of Arab invaders, complain that Jewish people, indigenous to the region are once again in control of their ancestral home.

I find it ridiculous, that the Jews are called colonizers, for returning to their homeland.

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