great work Carina!

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Thank you 🇵🇸 I wonder what the hell they are up to now

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Another Biden/Blinken Farce.

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Exactly! They will blame Hamas and the carnage will continue.

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No doubt about it. An Israeli spokesperson talking in the Security Council basically announced the carnage will stop when the "hostages" are returned and when Hamas "turns themselves in." Bibi and Hamas, or at least part of the organization, have had an unusually intimate working relationship throughout his period in office. Does that relationship continue yet? Where would Bibi be now without Hamas? Bibi, a big time beneficiary and veteran of the 9/11 false flag, is clearly suspect numero uno when it comes to the needed investigation on the journey to, as well as the duration of, 10/7.

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It is the political wing of Hamas such as Haniyeh and Meshaal that are duplicitous snakes and not to be trusted anymore than the PA. However, the military wing of Hamas is steadfast and loyal to the Palestinian people.

I can not give you the original link as the USA seized many websites and countries had to adjust the .com to reestablish new websites.


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Is Sinwar as steadfast as he appears even in Israeli biographies. Or is he being built up so Israels can claim "victory" by eliminating him? What of the role of Emir al Thani in funding and helping along the Netanyahu-Hamas reciprocity? My sense is that under Netanyahu, Hamas political wing basically became something like the municipal government of Gaza. I can picture the Netanyahu-Hamas marriage of convenience establishing a prototype for the whole War on Terror operation.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

The political wing of Hamas such as Haniyeh I do not trust as I stated. This is a long story I should probably do a post but let me try and do a brief explanation here for you.

Haniyeh and Meshaal are treasonous. They do not reside in Gaza, they have palace like residences in Qatar. They betrayed Syria when under US attack and supported the "Free Syrian Army" and other various US terrorist factions. Syria, Hezbollah and Iran forgave them but I will not forget, especially Meshaal.

Qatar is not to be trusted, the al-Thani family, a member of the Tamimi tribe, is the ruling family of Qatar. Unlike other Arab rulers, the family is neither a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad nor of long-standing tenure in their kingdom. They were installed by the Brits.

Muhammad bin Thani was able to politically maneuver himself in relation to the British in order to achieve a position as a first among equals, a position which his descendants continuously asserted.

From 2012 - TEHRAN (FNA)- The residence and offices of a number of Hamas leaders were identified during the recent visit to the Gaza Strip by Qatar’s King Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani and later targeted by Israeli missile and bomb attacks, informed sources disclosed.

The emir of Qatar gifted a number of watches and ballpoint pens to Hamas leaders, which transmitted low-frequency signals to Israeli satellites, the sources, who asked to remain unnamed due to the sensitivity of the information, told FNA, adding that the Israeli military officials would then use the received signals to spot and assassinate senior Hamas officials.

Sheikh Hamad arrived in Gaza on October 23 to become the first head of state to visit the besieged enclave since the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, took power in the territory five years ago.

Qatar’s emir has repeatedly met with Israeli leaders, and is working hard to boost the diplomatic clout of his small Persian Gulf country.


Qatar also helped send in mercenaries to Syria under Obomba's "regime change plan". They failed and then USA started using UAE and KSA as their proxies for terrorists. USA also invaded Yarmouk a Palestinian refugee camp in Syria with their ISIS. Then stated that Syria was attacked Palestinian refugees.

Now as for Sinwar, I think he is legit from what I see. He is about as hated as Assad in Syria by Israel and the collective West. Here are some links for further information.

Who is Yahya al-Sinwar, the artist behind Operation Al-Aqsa Flood?


Al-Sinwar publicly spoke of a 'Flood' one year before October 7


Sinwar visited captives, contacted Hamas officials abroad freely


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Thanks for this precious and penetrating analysis Carina.

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Jun 11Liked by Carina Malatesta


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I agree but how to?

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Jun 11Liked by Carina Malatesta

All the paths to make them accountable are obstructed by them. How does humanity make them pay the consequences of their vile actions? Boycotting, protesting, college encampments, calling and writing congress and Washington do not seem to move the needle. EU parliamentary elections could bring some positive changes since there are some great candidates unlike in the US where we have two disgraceful options and a third one that looks and sounds promising. However, Americans aren’t ready to vote for Jill Stein or Cornell West.

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The EU should be disbanded it is a means of control of Europe by the USA. The elections saw a rise in the far right, big surprise. 🤬

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Jun 11Liked by Carina Malatesta

Absolutely zero intent for a ceasefire. If anything it is to give the IOF a breather and regroup. They will blame Hamas for breaching the “deal”, as they always have, and continue the slaughter. Zionism is cancer and Zionists are its cells.

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Good point, every single time the US wants a ceasefire in any conflict it is to regroup their proxies. I also think it is a PR ploy for Biden's re election. He can say he tried to stop this and even tried to implement a ceasefire. They are planning something evil that is certain.

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More great work, Carina. I'm looking forward to how this embarrassing setback, as the Israeli spokesperson completely contradicted the assertions of the Blinken/Biden "ceasefire proposal" on the floor of the UN Security Council, will be spun going forward! The lying continues non-stop.

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Thank you!

Blame Hamas as usual, “Hamas Hamas Hamas” 🤡.

I do not know what kind of stunt this is it but I can guarantee it is not for peace @Leon Brown, Jr.

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When we see the appalling bad faith of the US representative, we can only be pessimistic about the outcome of this tragedy, as long as it appears very clearly that there is collusion and close coordination between the Empire and the malignant entity that constitutes Israel.

Like what is happening in Ukraine, it is about continuing the war (it is more of a massacre in Palestine), as long as possible, to exhaust Russia, on the one hand, and to reduce, as much as possible, the aboriginal population in Palestine.

Everything is crystal clear for those who have retained the faculty of reflection and a certain respect for themselves and the Other, as well as universal moral values. Nothing should be expected from Israel or its puppets and valets US, EU, UK…

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Speaking of Ukraine

US greenlights weapon transfer to Ukraine's neo-Nazi Azov battalion

The State Department claims that it found “no evidence” of human rights violations committed by Azov; WashPo adds that Ukrainian officials saw the ban lift as “a top priority” during their lobbying attempts. 🤬


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Jun 17Liked by Carina Malatesta

At this point I am waiting for Antony Blinken to take his mask off and reaveal himself as the Devil himself!

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I agree. We are in such trouble and people do not realize. The UN is involved in the nefarious doings of the collective West. Yemen just uncovered spy rings and they include so called UN workers.

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