
I found the information on the young attorney representing the Arab League at the Hague so I am pinning it here so we all can know. ✊ 🇵🇸

Ralph Wilde represented the Arab League at the International Court of Justice in the case against Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

RALPH WILDE is an academic and expert in public international law. He is a faculty member at University College London (UCL). His 2008 book International Territorial Administration: How Trusteeship and The Civilizing Mission Never Went Away — examining international territorial administration in consideration of Third World approaches to international law and postcolonial theory — was published by Oxford University Press.


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Jul 4Liked by Carina Malatesta

I wish I could say “Happy Independence Day USA” but that is just a delusional fantasy. You are not free and your gov’t not only enslaves you but attempts to enslave the entire world. I hope one day you live up to the ideals you claim to promote and free yourselves thus helping free the rest of the world from western hegemony and colonialism. God bless you and good luck in your fight for real freedom and not just empty words. God help us all …

Exactly! We are fighting the Zionist control of the West. There will be no freedom or independence until AIPAC ZioCockroaches and their fellow terrorists are driven out!

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Jul 4Liked by Carina Malatesta

that lawyer's address.... !

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💯 we all need him

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Jul 4Liked by Carina Malatesta

Thanks -- also very good:

Benz: Parasitic "Blob" Class Now Looking For New Host Body – Jul 3, 2024


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Thanks again, Carina, for this very comprehensive, timely, and important International News Roundup. This “Happy Independence Day USA” is, as you say, just a delusional fantasy. Your focus on the enshrined tenets of International Law is appropriate, although these laws continue to be shamefully disregarded - especially by the egregiously criminal amerikkkan empire and one of its main partners in crime, nazirael. Nevertheless, the struggle - the resistance - heroically continues on many fronts, thankfully! One outstanding example that you have shared is the 'Lawyer's incredible speech dismantling Israeli occupation of Palestine at The Hague.' The speech was awesome and inspiring, and brilliantly described the complete historical and current details of the unspeakable ongoing brutality of the nazisraeli/amerikkkan assault and crimes against the Palestinian people. I also commend you for the truly international scope of your excellent reporting. Impressive work!

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Thank you Leon ✊. I went light on the news actually so not to distract too much from the important message, freedom and self determination for all, no man is worth any more than another.

I researched this young lawyer and found out who he was.


I agree the UN and international justice system is useless and serves the elites only. We need to create our own so we can hold these criminals accountable and actually apply the tenets enshrined in the international justice system.

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Jul 5Liked by Carina Malatesta

WOW, that young attorney is ON IT. Amazing!!!!!!!!!

Sharing your whole post, but WOW, that feller!!!!!

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Thank you! I went light on the news because I did not want to distract too much from the real message. Freedom and self determination for all ✊. I almost made it a stand alone post minus any international news. Anyway, here is the original link to the video of this young lawyer if you would like to download it yourself.


Ralph Wilde represented the Arab League at the International Court of Justice in the case against Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

I wish you could download the videos in my posts but Substack does not seem to allow it. I can not even re download them unless I go into edit mode.

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Jul 5Liked by Carina Malatesta

If I die before you do, I’m sending you ALL my art.

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Thank you very much 😊, I am honored!

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Jul 5Liked by Carina Malatesta

I yam honeyed, too. ;)

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Jul 5Liked by Carina Malatesta

Oh, honored, too. ha harf!

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Shukran for all that you do. Cannot wait till one day soon we celebrate our country’s birthday for years to come inshallah


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Afwan 🙏 🇵🇸 ✊

I am afraid to go look, your post is all I have read today

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Aww, and my news is already 2 days late... running into technical work issues this morning, so currently getting to enjoy our wonderful help desk services. Wish me a speedy recovery 🫡

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I certainly do wish you a speedy recovery 🙏. Here I go to take a look at the news ... I hope my heart can stand it 🇵🇸

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Ya Allah, inshallah <3 I won't be able to check in detail till later and then I have to forced a break so I can make up the lack of sleep from last night. I don't know how they do it. I break apart watching them through it. And they're in it... you know?

♥️ ya

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“Hasbiyal laahu laaa ilaaha illaa Huwa ‘alaihi tawakkkaltu wa Huwa Rabbul ‘Arshil ‘Azeem”

that is how they do it … faith, determination and the spirit of the shaheed.

Ya Ali 🤲

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