Oct 2Liked by Carina Malatesta

I admire their restraint & the west should leave them well alone & negotiate properly with them for resources, if that’s what they want from them.

They are more honourable than Israel that’s for sure, that will be their faith, their promise to god.

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Thank you Alison. I agree but for some reason the collective West does not believe in free trade and mutual aid. They think they can force themselves on people and make them submit to occupation and theft of their resources. You would think with the ongoing events they would change their policies but they keep fighting, regardless of cost, for the preservation of US hegemony.

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Oct 3Liked by Carina Malatesta

Carina, it disgusts me, the leaders of our world are bullies, thugs, mafia like.

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100% Alison and they could care less what their citizens have to say.


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True Promise 1 was a public relations stunt and a joke. True Promise 2 will be the same if a single military or intelligence installation is left intact.

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Oct 2Liked by Carina Malatesta

Perhaps you should think a little more strategically? The purpose of these attacks was not to destroy the enemy utterly, it was to demonstrate to the Empire that it is incapable of defending against these weapons.

Mindless escalation is what Israel wants - to draw US forces further into the battle than they already are. Iran's attacks aim to keep them at bay, since it's obviously not only Israel that is vulnerable, but the hundreds of US bases within the region.

An honourable combatant gives their opponent a chance to back down, to avoid war. Just because your enemy is dishonourable, does not mean you should abandon your own honour. If the Empire fails to take this opportunity to change course, then assuredly the resistance forces of the Middle East will continue to serve them their deserved destruction.

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They only make themselves look weak and invite more attacks. Pulling your punches doesn’t work. It never has and never will. Anyone who has been in a fight understands that you only harm yourself dragging out a fight longer than necessary. Put the enemy down hard and put them down fast. It is the only way to minimize loss of life.

There is nothing strategic about the ineptitude and incompetence being displayed by Iran right now.

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Oct 2Liked by Carina Malatesta

I don't think you understand what's at stake here. This isn't some schoolyard brawl. The Neocon faction currently holding the reins of the sprawling US power structure is playing a game of chicken with Armageddon. They know they can't possibly win World War 3 - but they are desperately gambling that the Rest of the World will continue to capitulate to their hegemony rather than see everything brought down. This will not happen, however, because the RoW understands that capitulation would be to accept a slow death rather than a sudden one.

China, Russia, Iran and the others are meeting the Empire's attack, but escalating as slowly as they can possibly get away with. They hold back, not from weakness, but because their own desperate strategy is to create time for an implosion of the US power structure. For internal struggle to bring a somewhat less insane faction into control of the fading Empire, one that will accept multipolarity and decline. If this does not happen, it will cost every human on the planet dearly.

Ask yourself, macho man, what does "putting the enemy down hard" entail, in this situation? Even if we put nuclear weapons aside, we're not just talking military targets here - we're talking about the destruction of the energy infrastructure of the Middle East and beyond. That's what this fight is all about, after all. Look at the huge economic consequences of blowing up Nordstream alone. Now imagine if Iran were to sink a couple of oil tankers at a choke point in the Gulf, cutting off a third of the world's oil supply - and that's just one attack!

You're talking about a war that would eventually kill more than a billion people, even if we do manage to refrain from nukes. Your testosteronal bleating seems ludicrous at that scale.

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The jews own the west and all the “factions” you are referring to. Doesn’t matter who gets in. They all serve the jews and their interests. You are really childish if you think my views have anything to do testosterone or macho crap. You clearly don’t read military history or literature of any kind. “No nation has ever benefited from prolonged warfare” is a truism that goes back to ancient times but if you want to be a blind cheerleader that can’t think for yourself then that’s your business. The fact that you are unable to recognize the fact that a war is simply a “brawl” on a much larger scale is testament to your ignorance. It tells me that you’ve never been in a real fight. Never been punched in the face. Never seen and tasted your own blood. I have done all of that. These games only lead to more deaths and more suffering than quickly ending the conflict.

This slow escalation nonsense will only get more people killed. Like Putin’s stupidity in Ukraine. Did he save any lives by dragging out the conflict? NO, the death and destruction are far greater now than it would have been if he used his full strength in the beginning and ended the conflict quickly. You don’t have a leg to stand on when you claim that this ineptitude has any advantage.

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Oct 3Liked by Carina Malatesta

Ugh, again this inversion of the power relationship between Israel and Empire. The Jews were herded out of Europe at gunpoint and into the Middle East to be used as shock troops. Israel is the beachhead of Empire, the 49th state of the USA founded in 1948, now de facto HQ of CENTCOM, the core theatre in the global war to control energy. Israel is just another star on an already blood-soaked flag.

You say your views have nothing to do with macho crap, then in the same paragraph start carrying on about being punched in the face and tasting blood. Perhaps you should improve your combat skills? You might have been punched in the head a few too many times if you actually do believe that a war is just a brawl on a larger scale.

A war is when powerful people attempt to concentrate even more power by conning powerless people into fighting each other. The citizens of neither side benefit, they just do a lot of dying. The military literature tends to elide this fact.

I don't subscribe to the good guy versus bad guy theory of history - at the top of every hierarchy is a gang of hard bastards, oligarchs interested in their own power. They didn't get to the top by being nice guys. So I cheerlead for no-one, as I don't believe in following leaders.

As to Ukraine, probably upwards of 750 thousand have been killed so far. Many times that would be dead by now if Russia had given the Empire what it wanted and immediately escalated into a European-wide war against NATO.

Your general argument is fallacious: we have no way of proving how many people didn't die in wars we didn't have. But if you want to talk military history, at the onset of World War 1, both sides declared that their brilliant plan was to go all out. They'd sweep the battlefield and it would all be over in a few months! How did that turn out?

I should add that I'm only arguing here for the sake of onlookers, since your views are set, immune to change by rational argument.

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Time will tell which one of us is right.

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Thank you! We have rules of engagement even if the enemy does not.

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Oct 2Liked by Carina Malatesta

Looks like they smashed the israeli Air Force well.

According to reports they targeted F16 and F35 stations destroying many of the planes, parts deposits, and airbase runways.

If is so the damage is in billions worth of weaponry and a damage which would take years to recover from.

The Iranians also mentioned striking one Gas line to Europe, and radar and satellite operating installations.

Obviously the zionazi regime is also claiming damages to its cities, after just like Jordan did, they attempted to shot down the missiles over populated areas.

You can also be sure that the US is now going to have to step back, as they could loose their fleets and bases in a matter of minutes.

What is now needed is for the UNGA authorize the use of force to impose on israel to replace the isranazi government and produce one which is willing accept its neighbors and international law.

Like a cancer consumes the body on which it leaches, so is the zionist doing to the land the call israel. If the zionist cancer is not removed, then the end of israel will be the natural consequence of its incurable disease.

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They had a UNSC meeting today Sol but I have yet to get a minute to listen. Somebody better finally reign israel in. IOF got slaughtered today as well trying to enter Lebanon, see my notes from today.

Thank you for the information on damages caused by Iran's strikes. I knew the targets but not the damage. I did see the gas platform burning early this morning.

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Oct 2Liked by Carina Malatesta

Wonderful reading! I enjoyed every word. Thanks sis!! 🥰🙏🇵🇸💚🇵🇸

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Thank you Sis 🙏🇵🇸💚🇵🇸🇮🇷🤗

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Oct 2Liked by Carina Malatesta

Thank you for reporting information that is difficult for english speakers to access.

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You are most welcome, thank you for wanting the facts and reading!

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